Strategies and Impact

NIF is investing in strategies to support Israelis opposed to the occupation and provide them with the space to succeed, while showing all Israelis what takes place behind the both literal and figurative wall that separates them from their Palestinian neighbors.

We are keeping the occupation in the public discourse — because Israelis need to see what the occupation is doing to Palestinians and to Israeli society. And because there is no way that this issue will be addressed if it is pushed out of view.

Here are a few accomplishments from our network of grantees that indicate that we are having an impact.

  1. For ten years, B’Tselem has provided cameras and training to West Bank Palestinians to document human rights violations. Hundreds of incidents have been taped and footage has made its way around Israel and the world. Last year, a B’Tselem activist taped the killing of a disarmed, wounded Palestinian terrorist by an Israeli soldier; the resulting trial stimulated enormous debate among Israeli leaders and the public.

  2. Because of High Court cases filed by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Bimkom and others, the Separation Barrier has been re-routed several times to minimize impact on Palestinian communities.

  3. After years of pushback from the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and NIF’s action arm Shatil, legislation to penalize progressive NGOs was significantly weakened before finally passing in 2016.

  4. Breaking the Silence has collected thousands of testimonies from former combat soldiers who served in the West Bank. With their firebrand reputation has come great awareness and the group is now a household name in Israel.

  5. Yesh Din has taken the lead to ensure that the settlers of the illegal outpost Amona, built on stolen private Palestinian land, would finally obey the injunctions of the High Court and vacate the settlement. They were evacuated in early 2017.

  6. Human rights organizations, led by NIF grantee Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights, successfully petitioned the High Court of Justice to strike down a law exempting the army from being sued for compensation for property damage and injuries to Palestinians in the occupied territories.

  7. Following intense public pressure, including a campaign by NIF grantee Zazim – Community Action, the Ministry of Education announced changes to a controversial proposed civics textbook. The campaign protested textbook’s presentation of Israel as primarily a Jewish society, downplaying its character as a liberal democracy.

  8. After years in which the NIF-convened Tag Meir Coalition insisted that vigilante Price Tag attacks against Palestinians could be stopped, Israeli security forces finally took action. Extreme right-wing activists were arrested, were barred from entering the occupied territories, and were interrogated in criminal proceedings.

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