Continuing the Fight in 2015
This evening we celebrate Tu B’Shevat- the ‘new year’ for trees. As snow covers the UK it can be difficult to image the first trees blossoming in Israel but as the seasons begin to change, we are reminded of the Israelis who are rising up to meet the challenges ahead. Who continue our fight towards the Israel we want to see and give voices to those who have none. Just today, our groups have been at the High Court of Justice fighting for a just approach to refugees.
2015 will be a monumental year as we are thrown into election season. We are confident that NIF will continue to make enormous positive change as we stand behind those fighting for justice before, during and after the election. Join us in the coming months as we engage with the Israeli election in the UK through a variety events culminating in our Election Night Live Coverage and our post election events with Professor Naomi Chazan, NIF’s past-President and former Deputy Knesset Speaker.
We heard last week of the sad passing of David Landau the former Haaretz and Jerusalem Post editor. For many of us, David’s journalism was an essential part of our Israeli education. David was a good friend to New Israel Fund and his values, voice and passion will be sorely missed.