Full Steam Ahead

 by Adam Ognall, Chief Executive

2014 was a record breaking year for New Israel Fund in the UK. Thank you. With your support we have helped create significant change in Israel over the past year.

Israel is now heading towards crucial elections in March. These elections were triggered by divides over the ‘nation-state’ Bill and the values enshrined by Israel’s Declaration of Independence. Whilst NIF does not  support any political parties or candidates, it is clear that the outcome of these elections will impact – both positively and negatively – on much of the work and focus on NIF.

In the UK, NIF will be running a host of events in the run up, on the night of and following the elections.

At the same time, NIF’s crucial work on the ground in Israel continues and through the newsletter and our activities we will keep you posted. Thank you again for your continued support as we work to make positive social change in Israel.

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