Israel in Crisis: Help bridge the divide
As I write, the trauma and destruction of the rockets and airstrikes in Israel and in Gaza continues, despite hopeful signs of a ceasefire. Within Israel there is also the horrific situation of attacks in the country’s mixed Arab-Jewish cities which mark the worst outbreak of intercommunal violence in decades. Tensions are still too high and mob violence continues. My heart breaks.
Some may say this is reason enough to lose hope for a better future. At the New Israel Fund, we know that is not an option.
This morning we are launching a matched funding campaign to support our response to the crisis. Our goal in the UK is to raise £50,000 towards a new global fund NIF has established to identify and support activists and organisations at the grassroots level. Any donation you make today will be DOUBLED, making it twice as impactful.
Donate To Double Your Impact
This fund will support new initiatives that help keep communities safe, rebuild trusting relationships between neighbours and re-inspire a vision for a shared future.
A partnership between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens is critical to its moral fabric, to its democratic future, and any hope of Israel fulfilling its founding vision – one based on equality for all its citizens. That has been a focus of our work for decades.
But this moment of crisis demands more of us. Right now, we have to act – to dedicate our resources toward a long-term vision of Jewish-Arab equality.
Thank you,
Adam Ognall, CEO
Like thousands of others, whether on the ground in Israel, or in the Jewish diaspora, our community refusing to be paralysed by the crisis, and instead we are looking to learn more, find solutions, and move forward.
Watch our event to understand better what has been happening on ground level, how we move on from here, and how we at NIF are continuing to nurture Jewish Arab partnership that supports the infrastructure and growth of a truly shared society:
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