New Regulations Allow Compensation for “Price Tag” Damage

Palestinian Israelis whose property has been damaged in a “Price Tag” hate crime will now be entitled to compensation under the Property Tax and Compensation Fund Law 1961. (“Price-tag” is the name given to vigilante actions by radical settlers against Arabs, leftists and even the army to exact a cost for the closure of illegal outposts or other actions found politically objectionable.) Until now, victims were not compensated because “Price Tag” attacks were deemed racist attacks rather than terrorist actions by government officials.

In February, NIF grantee The Coalition Against Racism in Israel (CAR) wrote to Finance Minister Yair Lapid on the matter. After talks between CAR and Treasury officials, Lapid agreed to broaden the scope of the Law to encompass compensation for victims of Price Tag attacks. The new regulations have now been approved by the Knesset Finance Committee.

CAR Director Nidal Othman said, “We welcome the new regulations and will monitor their application. This is an important change because an enlightened country cannot discriminate through legislation between citizens regarding their security and the safety of their property. We will continue our activities and demand that Price Tag assailants are proclaimed terrorists.”

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October 2014