New Israel Fund December Newsletter
Dear friend,
As we approach the end of 2021 and reflect on another disrupted and difficult year, I am delighted to be sharing news of hope and stories of success from NIF and our grantees. Hopefully, you have seen the many sparks of light from our social media this Chanukah.
Through our partnership with UK Jewish Film, some events with our global leadership, a breakfast with Ghaida Rinawie-Zoabi, and our inspiring Human Rights Awards, in the last four weeks we have been delighted to connect in-person and online with over 800 of our wonderful supporters.
After the outbreak of inter-communal violence in May, the outpouring of concern included raising one million shekels to Bridge the Divide with your help. It seems fitting on Chanukah to announce the dozens of projects your generosity is enabling to bring Arabs and Jews together. You can read about this important and impactful work below, or please click here to see the full list of grantees.
I am inspired by the bravery in the story of Chanukah and moved by the choice to focus on light to moderate the story’s darker moments of militancy. The ongoing work of securing Israel’s future and our dedication to those fighting for a fairer future requires us to have the courage of the heroes of Chanukah whilst avoiding their militancy.
I hope you join me in being uplifted by the determined dedication and rededication of Arabs and Jews to building a genuinely shared society in Israel.
Thank you for your continued support.
Chanukah Sameach,
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