The New Israel Fund mobilizes Israelis for positive, progressive social change by building and strengthening civil society and fighting the inequality, injustice, and extremism that diminish Israel. We advocate for equality for all Israelis.
The New Israel Fund mobilizes Israelis for positive, progressive social change by building and strengthening civil society and fighting the inequality, injustice, and extremism that diminish Israel. We advocate for equality for all Israelis.
The NIF supports groups and projects working to fulfil this vision. From women’s and LGBT rights, to the relationship between synagogue and state, to protecting the rights of Jewish and non-Jewish minorities, NIF has founded, funded, trained or otherwise supported every significant human and civil rights organisation in Israel.
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The NIF works to ensure social and economic justice for all Israelis, the unemployed and those on low wages, single parents, the elderly, Israeli Arabs, new immigrants and Mizrachim. We support groups that campaign for their rights and work for equality of opportunity for all.
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NIF works to promote religious freedom in Israel, to foster a more tolerant society that embraces the rich diversity of Jewish identity, and that creates a sphere of non-religious, civil law for all Israeli citizens.
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Part of NIF’s mission is to create a safe space for dialogue and engagement between all sections of Israeli society: religious and secular, Orthodox and Reform, Ashkenazi and Mizrachi, Jews and Arabs.
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