Rising Stars FAQs

Find out more about Rising Stars. If you have any questions not covered by this, please email info@uknif.org.

When does early bird end?
On Wednesday 16th October at 11 pm.

Who are concession tickets for?
We choose not to set tight parameters on who can and can’t access this ticket. It is not for a specific age range or group of people, but rather for anyone who feels they need this type of ticket.

What is the dress code for the event?
Smart casual. You’ll feel comfortable in a smart top and trousers.

Will there be any security present?
Yes. We have organised private security who will be there on the night.

Am I too late to buy a ticket?
Absolutely not! However, please could you register by 5 pm on Friday 8th November 2024.

Can I give via cheque, charity voucher or bank transfer?
You can notify us of this by donating on our event platform and ticking ‘Pay via Cheque, Bank Transfer or Charity Voucher’, we will then be in touch after the event to follow this up.

Can I donate after the event?
You can donate once the event has closed on our website or the event platform.

I am unable to attend Rising Stars, but I would still like to watch the event.
We will be sharing clips from the evening on our YouTube channel, which you will be able to find on our website after the event.


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