Ryan Monis nominates Mitvim:

Click on the picture to vote or text ‘VFCH74 £3’ to 70070

Meeting Mitvim made it clear to me that more efforts should be made to advance awareness in Israel and the Diaspora regarding the complexities of Israel’s foreign affairs.



Vote for Mitvim by clicking here to donate online or text ‘VFCH74 £3′ to 70070

Who are Mitvim?

Mitvim: The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies, is an independent think tank established in 2011 that envisions a fresh start for Israel among the nations. It aims to reshape Israel’s relations in the Middle East, Europe and the Mediterranean by promoting new paradigms for Israel’s foreign policies, enhancing Israel’s regional belonging, and advancing Israeli-Arab peace.

In Hebrew, the word mitveh means a sketch or a blueprint. The plural form of the word—Mitvim—was chosen as the name for the organisation in order to underscore the Institute’s commitment to explore, formulate and advocate multiple policy paths that advance a progressive, inclusive and integrative approach to Israel’s regional foreign policies.

On a day to day basis, Mitvim monitor domestic and international events, analyzing the potential implications for policy and devising new policy proposals. They also bring people together by convening workshops and debating policy-options, and then get their message out by publishing papers, briefing stakeholders and promoting ideas and policies.

“In the dusk under a canopy of trees in central Jerusalem, we were introduced to the issues that Mitvim deals with”

Whilst on the New Gen Fellows study trip in Israel, we met with Nimrod Goren, the chairman of Mitvim. In the dusk under a canopy of trees in central Jerusalem, we were introduced to the issues that Mitvim deals with: foreign relations with allies as well as clandestine contacts, recent peace initiatives and the reasons why they were not accepted.

Meeting Mitvim made it clear for me that more efforts should be made to advance awareness in Israel and the Diaspora regarding the complexities of Israel’s foreign affairs. This is crucial to allow the country to develop and mature its policy and relationship with its neighbours, strengthen traditional friendships and partnerships and create new ones.

What will your donation go towards?

Mitvim breaks down the difficult issues around peace initiatives and developments in relationships with old and new allies in a way which effectively captures the issues’ complexities. Their thorough analysis ensures that you can get a full understanding of an issue, which prepares you to take an informed position on it. The outpouring of material they create and their regular featuring in the news ensure Israelis have access to comprehensive information and analysis that are crucial to their future.

Vote for Mitvim now if you want to ensure Israelis are supported to make informed choices towards peace and progress!

Vote for Mitvim by clicking here to donate online or text ‘VFCH74 £3′ to 70070

Mitvim’s website

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