
NIF UK Board of Trustees

Noeleen Cohen, Chair
Paul Amit
Jane Grabiner
Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko OBE
Suzanne Jacobs
Karen Kaufman
Andrew Leek
Darren Lewis
Alex Marcuson
Ed Millett
Martin Paisner CBE
Sarah Peters
Anna Roiser
Joel Rosen
Dana Segal


David Davidi-Brown, Chief Executive
Sarah-Jayne Grahame, Director of Fundraising
Atira Winchester, Director of Content and Leadership
BLAKE_EZRA_NIF2015_002 Neriya Segerman, Director of Operations
Ella Tirosh, Community Engagement Manager
Liron Rosiner-Reshef, Fundraising Manager
Sophie Hasenson, Communications Executive
Emma Margolin, Team Coordinator
Dean Nash, Database & Fundraising Executive

NIF would like to thank our partners, the Pears Foundation for their generous core support.








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