Social and Economic Justice
Equality requires not just human and civil rights, but also equality of opportunity: freedom from poverty, access to education, employment and affordable housing, the right to basic public services and health care. The NIF works to ensure social and economic justice for all Israelis, the unemployed and those on low wages, single parents, the elderly, Israeli Arabs, new immigrants and Mizrachim. We support groups that campaign for their rights and work for equality of opportunity for all.

Increasing Access to the Core Curriculum at Haredi Schools
NIF grantees have been demanding that Haredi parents have the right to a school that teaches maths, English, and other core subjects.
December 2022

Millions secured for services in Bedouin Towns
NIF’s action arm Shatil and NIF grantee Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights teamed up to assist the Bedouin town of Lakyia in securing long-term infrastructure and economic development.
April 2022

Advocating for Arabic
In the wake of the recent violence in mixed Arab-Jewish cities, NIF grantee Sikkuy – The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality has launched a campaign encouraging Jews to learn Arabic. The campaign, entitled “It’s also possible to do things differently,” is based on the assumption that the inability to communicate through language results in separation, unfamiliarity, alienation and fear.
July 2021

Standing in Solidarity with Sheikh Jarrah
Dozens of Israelis marched through the streets of Jerusalem in June to the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in solidarity with the Palestinian residents who face eviction from their homes. The march was organised by NIF grantee Omdim Beyachad (Standing Together), Israel’s Jewish-Arab grass roots movement, as well as other social change organisations.
July 2021