Join us for the return of our inspiring in-person Human Rights Awards Dinner on Sunday 6th November 2022.



Since 2007 the New Israel Fund’s Human Rights Awards Dinner has recognised the achievements and contributions of individuals and organisations working for justice in Israeli society.

We hope to see you there.



Our Winners

Nabila Espanioly

In her 40-year career, Nabila Espanioly founded and directed the ground-breaking Al-Tufula Pedagogical and Women’s Centre that has changed thousands of Palestinian families’ lives through education and empowerment. She has also been involved in Mossawa, the advocacy centre for Arab citizens in Israel. Most recently, she has worked in partnership with Itach Ma’aki on including women in peace building and conflict resolution. Nabila has been a pioneer in raising the profile of Palestinian women and providing support for Palestinian families in Israel.Throughout her career Nabila has worked in partnership with the NIF community to advance the position of Palestinian women in Israeli society. She has previously served as a board member of The New Israel Fund, and has inspired and mentored the next generation of female Palestinian leaders in Israel. We are proud to present her with our individual award.


Ir Amim

Since their founding in 2000, Ir Amim have changed the debate around Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem. They have spotlighted the injustices facing residents in neighbourhoods including Silwan, Walaja, Batn Al-Hawa, and Sheikh Jarrah. They have vehemently opposed the expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem, worked towards meaningful policy change around planning for these communities, and have been one of the leading organisations raising the profile of East Jerusalem internationally.Click here to watch their tour of Isawiya, which sits in the shadow of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The tour will give you an insight into the challenges facing just one of many communities in East Jerusalem. We are proud to present Ir Amim with our organisation award.

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