Groundbreaking Ruling on Women’s Rights
In a precedent-setting decision, the High Court has ordered the appointment of a female Deputy Director-General of the Rabbinic Courts. This follows a petition from NIF grantee Mavoi Satum and a number of other women’s rights organizations. This will be the first time that a woman has taken such a senior position in the religious establishment.
Mavoi Satum Director Batya Kahana-Dror, who led the legal effort, said: “The High Court’s decision constitutes an important breakthrough in women’s struggle for senior positions that, until now, have been thought of as blocked to them, in particular in the religious establishment. This decision will have ramifications on other positions and for equal rights in the workplace.”
“[The decision forces] the State to work to fix the distorted situation where for years women…haven’t had a single senior position [in the religious establishment]…This decision…strengthens the Jewish and democratic character of the State of Israel and removes longstanding discrimination against women.”
August 2016