NIF Grantees Show Solidarity After San Diego Synagogue Attack
Our hearts are broken with the Jewish community of San Diego County, as a synagogue – a place that should represent safety and sanctuary – became a target. Only six months after we mourned the horrific loss of life to white supremacist terrorism at the Tree of Life congregation in Pittsburgh, our community again faced the lethal threat of weaponized hate.
It is important at these times to know that we do not stand alone.
When the Muslim community is targeted in New Zealand, when worshipers at black churches are attacked, when Israelis are hit by terror, and when Palestinians are victimized by “price tag” attacks, we raise our voices in solidarity.
In this moment of hurt and fear, the New Israel Fund’s partners and grantees in Israel are standing up to express solidarity with the victims of the Poway shooting and with all of us in the American Jewish community who feel the threat of this past Shabbat’s hateful crime:
“Our hearts are with the victims of the Chabad of Poway shooting, their families, and Jewish communities across the U.S. We stand together against the murderous antisemitism and racism of the far right.”
— Breaking the Silence
“Our hearts are with the community in San Diego and Lori’s husband and 22-year-old daughter. Rabbi Yonah Fradkin, executive director of Chabad of San Diego County, said in a statement that “in the face of senseless hate we commit to live proudly as Jews in this glorious country. We strongly believe that love is exponentially more powerful than hate. We are deeply shaken by the loss of a true woman of valor, Lori Kaye, who lost her life solely for living as a Jew.”
— Tag Meir
“Women of the Wall stands in solidarity with the Jewish community of Poway and all affected by violent hatred. No one should ever have to fear for their life in their place of worship.”
— Women of the Wall
“Our hearts are with the family of Lori Kaye who was murdered in a terror attack [at] a synagogue in San Diego–and with the families of the injured. There are no words that can express the feelings in the face of this terrible hate crime.”
— Omdim Byachad (Standing Together)
“We are shocked and deeply saddened by the hateful act of violence at the Chabad of Poway, California today, just six months after the horrific murders in Pittsburgh. We grieve for Lori Gilbert Kaye z”l, who was murdered in this brutal armed attack and for the three others who suffered wounds. We mourn with the victims, their families and friends, and the Jewish community of Poway and San Diego. The attack on the Chabad of Poway is another disturbing reminder that rising antisemitism is the most serious threat the Jewish people have faced in many years. Enough is enough.”
— Israel Hofsheet (Be Free Israel)
“We are pained at the murder of Lori Kay in San Diego at the time of prayer of the [Passover] holiday, and we send consolation to the community.”
— Kolech: Religious Women’s Forum
May 2019