Read: Selina and Andrew’s Legacy Story
Dear friends,
We would like to introduce ourselves to you, our fellow NIF supporters. We are Drs Andrew and Selina Gellert, retired GP’s and Medical Educationalists, who worked in an inner city, deprived area teaching practice in London. We firmly believed in equality of access for all our patients, whatever their background, identity and healthcare needs. This dovetails perfectly with the ethos of equality, non-discrimination, and democratic values espoused by the NIF which we have supported for nearly 30 years.
Really excellent General Practice blossoms with the precious individual contributions of all health care team members. In the same way, the State of Israel will flourish and blossom even further with the equal contributions of all peoples living there. When political times are challenging, as now, we need to stand firm as the voice of reason, tolerance and hope – not only for ourselves but more importantly for the sake our own and Israel’s children.
For us, making donations to organisations is about making a difference. And NIF certainly achieves that. The impact is naturally so much greater when we join forces together. We are in this for the long haul. We have therefore decided to see through a much longer commitment. We want the NIF’s values of tolerance, true equality for everyone, democracy, and compassion to endure for our children and grandchildren. We know of no organisation operating in Israel that is as passionate, and compassionate as the NIF and an organisation that can be relied upon to face obstacles and difficulties in its path with such dignity, integrity and skill. In Israel and in the diaspora the NIF has become a force that is growing more and more in respect and following. It warms our hearts that our children are totally behind us in supporting the NIF.
We have set up a legacy to the NIF in our wills. Quite apart from the inheritance tax benefit to our children of charitable bequests on our deaths, it is a wonderful way to commit in the even longer term to values which we hold deep in our hearts. We have always believed that it is fundamental to hold firm to that which we love and believe in. It is a source of comfort that those commitments will continue even when we are no longer here.
To celebrate Jewish Legacy Month, please consider leaving a gift to NIF. You’ll be doing your part in ensuring that your voice and your values stay heard in the long run.
It’s really easy to do, you can find out more about legacy giving to the NIF here or you can contact the team directly on 0207 724 2266.
Thank you for this and for everything you do.
Dr Andrew and Dr Selina Gellert