Social and Economic Justice
Equality requires not just human and civil rights, but also equality of opportunity: freedom from poverty, access to education, employment and affordable housing, the right to basic public services and health care. The NIF works to ensure social and economic justice for all Israelis, the unemployed and those on low wages, single parents, the elderly, Israeli Arabs, new immigrants and Mizrachim. We support groups that campaign for their rights and work for equality of opportunity for all.

Exposure of Housing Minister Scandal
A corrupt deal transferring state property designated for public housing to politically-connected religious NGOs was frozen.
January 2015

Two Steps Forward for Public Housing
Two victories for public housing in Israel
January 2015

Knesset Cafeteria Workers to Keep Their Jobs
Knesset cafeteria workers’ jobs were made secure during the recess and election thanks to a SHATIL-coordinated campaign.
January 2015

Victory Against Gender Segregation
Israeli cemeteries can no longer force gender segregation on mourners.
December 2014