

Civil and Human Rights

Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Litigation and advocacy efforts by and for Arab citizens of Israel to ensure the rights of this community.

African Refugees Development Center

An organizations led by African refugees, which works to advance the rights of refugees living in Israel through legal assistance, advocacy and raising public awareness.

Alternative Voice in the Galilee

Supports Jewish-Arab efforts aimed at equalizing the rights of Arab residents in the Galilee to those of their Jewish counterparts, and at promoting mixed housing.

Assiwat (through Kayan)

Provides a safe and anonymous space for gay Palestinian women; pursues recognition for their sexual and gender identity and promotes their rights through personal empowerment, raising awareness and public education.

Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)

Litigation, counseling, monitoring, education and legislative consultation to establish and protect civil and human rights in Israel. NIF’s flagship grantee, ACRI is the leading civil rights organization in Israel.

Bimkom: Planners for Planning Rights

A Jewish-Arab organization that promotes public participation in planning and promotes the interests of low-income populations.

Breaking the Silence

Raises public awareness about the moral dilemmas faced by soldiers serving in the occupied territories by collecting and publishing soldiers’ testimonies, public events and advocacy.

Center Against Racism and Defamation

Public education activities aimed at eradicating all forms of racism in Israel, specifically racism directed towards the Arab citizens of Israel, and the development of tools for systematic monitoring of racist phenomena.

Council for Peace and Security

Former senior Israeli Defense Force officers who advocate an end to the occupation and a peace agreement with the Palestinians from a security perspective.

Idan Hadash (“New Era”)

Provides educational workshops and leadership training on issues of democracy and pluralism for immigrants from the former Soviet Union.


Advocates for policies to make Jerusalem a more viable and equitable city, while generating and promoting a more politically sustainable future.

Negev Coexistence Forum

Cultural, educational and social activities that promote cooperation between Jews and Bedouin in the Negev, with special emphasis on the problems of unrecognized Bedouin villages.

New Family

Supports provision of legal services and advocacy efforts to ensure full rights for every type of family structure in Israel.

Our Heritage

Promotes democratic values amongst Russian speaking immigrants concerning issues of equal rights, Jewish-Arab joint living and peace.

Public Committee against Torture

Documentation of cases of ill treatment and torture during interrogation of prisoners (primarily Palestinians from the territories), assistance to individuals and advocacy for policy change.


Works to change the way the justice system and Israeli society relate to harming the rights of weak and silenced populations , by providing legal aid and assistance to these populations.

The Committee for Language Access of Health Care in Israel

Works to reduce the inequality in medical treatment caused by linguistic and cultural gulfs through advocacy, raising awareness of the issue among communities that need language access and helping healthcare institutions develop language-access services.

The Freedom of Information Association

Promotes the implementation of the Freedom of Information Law by raising public awareness of the issue, and through legal petitions.

Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch)

Prevents violations of Palestinians’ human rights in the territories through monitoring IDF checkpoints and those guarding the border in the West Bank.

Workers’ Hotline: Kav LaOved

Legal and practical assistance to workers whose rights have been violated in the course of employment in Israel.

Social and Economic Justice

Absorption of Immigrants from the Caucasus Region

Enables disadvantaged children of immigrants to fulfill their scholastic potential and integrate into Israeli society.

Adva Center

Provides policy analysis, advocacy and public education on issues of inequality among various population groups in Israel, with a special focus on gender.

Afaq-Almothalat – Association for Research and Development

Advocacy efforts and consciousness-raising activities on the issues of education and environmental justice aimed at improving the conditions in the Arab town of Taibe.

Alrabbata: League for the Arabs of Jaffa

Advocacy efforts to improve housing in Jaffa for Arab citizens of Israel.

Arab Center for Alternative Planning

Advocacy efforts for equal allocation of land resources to the Arab population in Israel, and for representation of Arabs in planning institutions.

Arous Elbahr for the Woman in Jaffa

Empowers Arab women in Jaffa economically, culturally, individually and in the community by means of consciousness-raising, public campaigns, community and economic empowerment activities and services.

Association For the Promotion of the Arab Education System in Haifa

Develops a parent advocacy model to enhance the Arab public education system in Haifa, for replication in other mixed cities; advances special needs programs and is establishing the first public Arts School for the Arab sector.

Ayam – Recognition and Dialogue

Advances co-existence and initiates public discourse through exposure and documentation of the history and memory of disadvantaged populations in the Jewish-Arab city of Jaffa.

Bimat Kedem

Celebrates and advances Mizrachi perspectives in Israeli culture and art through showmanship, literary events, and publishing of books and magazines.


Promotes the integration of adolescents from the former Soviet Union in Israeli society and works to prevents them from declining into situations of risk.


Empowerment activities among FSU immigrant security workers whose employment rights have been violated, and advocacy efforts aimed at the authorities.

Citizens Build a Community

Works to close the social gaps and develop an active civil society in the city of Lod by setting up youth centers in Jewish-Arab neighborhoods and developing local leadership.

Community Advocacy: Genesis Israel

Supports community-based legal and practical aid and community organizing in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Jerusalem and Be’er Sheva.

Follow-Up Committee for Arab Education

The main body representing the Arab public vis-à-vis the education system, advancing equitable allocation of educational resources to Arab schools and greater autonomy in education for the Arab sector.

Food Security Center

Raises public awareness of the problem of food insecurity on a national level and promotes nutrition and food security among low-income groups in the Negev, with a focus on children.

Forum of Directors of Social Welfare Departments Serving The Arab Population

Advocacy efforts and consciousness-raising activities directed at professionals, to ensure equal allocations to Arab citizens inthe area of social welfare.

Forum of Representatives of Ethiopian Jewish Community Organizations for the Ethiopian National Project (ENP)

Promotes the welfare, education, and employment of the Ethiopian community, with a special emphasis on influencing and monitoring the work of the Ethiopian National Project (a joint project of JDC, the Jewish Agency and the UJC).

Friends by Nature – Community Empowerment

Dedicated to the successful integration of the Ethiopian immigrant community in Israel. It focuses on developing civil society, young leadership and increasing community involvement.

Friends of Kedma School

Model academic junior high and high schools for youth from disadvantaged neighborhoods, with a focus on strengthening a positive Mizrachi (Sephardic)-Jewish identity.

Friendship and Cooperation

Promotes the involvement of immigrant parents on parent committees in the Israeli educational system.

Hakol Chinuch

Works to better the education system in Israel by promoting legislation, establishing a research institute and supporting different educational frameworks.


Supports “Haokets”, a political-social-economic blog, aimed at expanding the public and media’s discourse and creating a media platform for civil society in Israel.

Hazit Ha’Kavod

Public education and advocacy activities aimed at promoting the pension rights of immigrants from the FSU.


Helps the residents of Ikrit village to return to the land on which the village stood until 1948, through advocacy efforts, activities to raise public awareness and designing a blueprint for the village.

Israeli Center for Social Justice

Works for the inclusion of social objectives in the State budget and influences governmental policies to narrow social and economic gaps.

Israeli Human Rights Organization of People With Disabilities

Promotes the rights of persons with disabilities in Israel to equality in all walks of life through advocacy and raising awareness among the general public and the disabled.

Kefa For Social Change In The Negev

Brings Rahat (and Bedouin society in general) services on an equal footing by advocacy vis-à-vis the municipality and government agencies, and a philanthropic branch that helps residents with food and clothing.

Mahapach: Education, Housing, and Livelihood

Educational and community empowerment programs operated by university students in low-income Jewish and Arab neighborhoods throughout Israel.


Policy analysis and advocacy efforts to ensure equality in government budgets and policies for Arab citizens of Israel, and Jewish-Arab activities to combat racism among the Israeli public.

Movement for Dignified Living

Enables homeless residents in Be’er Sheva to get organized, and promotes advocacy activities aimed at the authorities to change housing policies.

New Discourse (The Democratic Mizrahi Rainbow)

Advocacy for social rights, including housing and educational opportunities, for disadvantaged populations.

One Plus One

Leadership programs for young immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

Organization for Housing Rights

Advocacy and activities to promote access to affordable housing for middle and low income populations.

Pardes – for Community Development in south Tel Aviv

Develops community infrastructure in the the Shapira and Qiryat Shalom neighborhoods in south Tel Aviv.

Public Trust

Promotes change in the consumer culture in Israel by addressing public complaints, conducting investigations in the area of consumerism and participating in legislative processes, public struggles and media activities.

Sister for Women in Israel

Works for the economic and personal empowerment of diverse women in Israel, with a focus on Mizrachi, Ethiopian and other disempowered groups, and runs Israel’s first fair trade store.

Social Economic Association – SEA

Promotes an alternative socio-economic worldview and encourages a critical public discourse on these issues.

South Wing to Zion

Efforts to promote the aliyah and absorption of Jews remaining in Ethiopia.

Supportive Environment

Unique model of training courses and mentoring for minority women interested in opening their own business as a means of escaping the cycle of poverty.

Syncopa Community

Provides an alternative media platform that expresses an independent and critical perspective on Israeli society.

Tebeka – Center for Legal Aid & Advocacy for Ethiopian Jewish In Israel

Legal assistance and empowerment activities to advance the rights of citizens of Ethiopian origin.


Cultivates young leadership in developing towns in Israel.

The Israeli Association for Distributive Justice

Promotes a just distribution of resources in Israel by monitoring governmental activities, advocacy efforts aimed at decision-makers and legal petitions.

The Jerusalem Inter-Cultural Center

Works to improve the compatibility between the cultural activities and services provided in Jerusalem, and the various populations receiving it by arranging courses and workshops on inter-cultural activities.

The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

Aims to build tools that will facilitate and influence the socio-economic dialogue and policy decisions in Israel.

Women Lawyers for Social Justice

Works to narrow social and economic gaps through public education and legal activities designed to link feminist discourse with social justice.

Religious Pluralism and Tolerance

12 Heshvan: Promoting Tolerance in an Orthodox Context

Develops schools and youth movements for the National Religious sector that promote openness, pluralism and tolerance, and works to combat anti-Arab racism within Orthodox Judaism.

Association for the Protection of Mixed Family Rights

Advances the rights of mixed families in which the legal Jewish status of one or both partners is in question by the Rabbinate, and promote their integration into society.

Bina (at Merchavim Chevra Lechinuch Vetarbut)

Conducts educational and community activities such as the world’s first Secular Yeshiva, promoting the development of pluralistic Jewish culture among the secular public.

Center for Women’s Justice

Litigation and advocacy activities advancing the status of Jewish women whose rights have been violated as a result of the legal system’s dependence on religious laws.


Supports a Jewish Reform congregation of immigrants in Ashdod.

Idan Hadash (“New Era”)

Provides educational workshops and leadership training on issues of democracy and pluralism for immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

Israel Religious Action Center of the Movement for Progressive (Reform) Judaism

Policy analysis, litigation and public campaigns on issues of religious freedom and social justice.

Kedem Synagogue- Beit Daniel

Provides cultural and educational activities as well as religious services to the residents of greater Tel Aviv. The Synagogue nurtures the values of progressive Judaism both through a community center and the synagogue.


Starting from a foundation of Judaism as a culture, Kitar builds a community of Russian-speaking immigrants in the city of Ashdod through lectures, excursions, holiday events, Hebrew language study and work with youth-at-risk.

Masorti (Conservative) Movement: Religious Affairs Bureau

Provides information about and access to alternative religious services, with the goal of promoting recognition of non-Orthodox forms of Jewish practice in Israel.

Mavoi Satum (“Dead End”)

Empowerment activities and advocacy efforts of religious women to promote the status of both agunot and women denied a religious divorce.

Midreshet Kama

A progressive, pluralistic religious girls’ school in Yeroham, which uses innovative techniques for teaching democracy, tolerance and community involvement.

Movement for Progressive (Reform) Judaism

Supports Jewish pluralism and promotes social responsibility through work with 30 congregations and educational, religious and cultural activities.

Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avodah

The leading liberal Orthodox organization that promotes a commitment to democracy and the rule of law, progressive religious education, opposition to ultra-Orthodox hegemony over religious affairs, social justice and women’s rights.

Oranim: Hamidrasha Center for Study Fellowship

Runs educational programs in which Jewish and other texts are explored in an open and pluralistic environment.


Supports a program to strengthen cooperation among organizations working on religious pluralism through professional training, information sharing and fundraising assistance.

Realistic Religious Zionism

Activities in the Orthodox community aimed at changing the priorities of Religious Zionism through reviving issues such as the relationship between Halacha, modernity and social justice.

Religious Women’s Forum

Supports efforts by Orthodox women to advocate for women’s rights within the framework of halacha, with special regard to marriage and divorce.

Shaked School

A progressive co-educational religious high school on Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu in the Beit She’an valley. It is one of the few co-educational institutions remaining in the national religious system.

Shitim Institute

Develops secular holiday and life-cycle rituals and provides courses on them.

The Yaacov Herzog Center For Jewish Studies

Promotes the creation of a tolerant and pluralistic dialogue among diverse groups in Jewish society in Israel through running one-year courses for the general public and in-service training for teachers, running batei midrash, running programs in educational settings and holding events and seminars.

Shared Society

Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Litigation and advocacy efforts by and for Arab citizens of Israel to ensure the rights of this community.

Afaq-Almothalat – Association for Research and Development

Advocacy efforts and consciousness-raising activities on the issues of education and environmental justice aimed at improving the conditions in the Arab town of Taibe.

Al-Anwar Association for Advancing the Women in Um Al Fahm

Works to increase women’s active participation in all spheres of life in the city of Um Al Fahm through consciousness-raising and individual and economic empowerment.

Al-Muntada Al-Takadumi

Works to democratize and equalize the election process in Arab localities through working to reduce clan power and influence.

Al-Yater Association for Promoting Culture and Social Development

Educational activities and advocacy efforts to promote the rights of the Arab population of Akko.

Aljana – Center for Cultural and Social Development

Empowerment and consciousness-raising activities for women and youth in the Arab village of Nahef.

Alrabbata: League for the Arabs of Jaffa

Advocacy efforts to improve housing in Jaffa for Arab citizens of Israel.

Alternative Voice in the Galilee

Supports Jewish-Arab efforts aimed at equalizing the rights of Arab residents in the Galilee to those of their Jewish counterparts, and at promoting mixed housing.

Arab Center for Alternative Planning

Advocacy efforts for equal allocation of land resources to the Arab population in Israel, and for representation of Arabs in planning institutions.

Arous Elbahr for the Woman in Jaffa

Empowers Arab women in Jaffa economically, culturally, individually and in the community by means of consciousness-raising, public campaigns, community and economic empowerment activities and services.

Assiwat (through Kayan)

Provides a safe and anonymous space for gay Palestinian women; pursues recognition for their sexual and gender identity and promotes their rights through personal empowerment, raising awareness and public education.

Association For the Promotion of the Arab Education System in Haifa

Develops a parent advocacy model to enhance the Arab public education system in Haifa, for replication in other mixed cities; advances special needs programs and is establishing the first public Arts School for the Arab sector.

Association of Bedouin Women to Promote Education

Promotes education among young Bedouin women in the Negev through activities to enlist community support, high school and university enrichment programs and financial aid.

Association of Women, Rahat

Advances the status of women in the Bedouin village of Rahat, with particular attention to raising awareness of domestic violence through an annual course that teaches ways of dealing with violencein everyday life.

Association to Promote the Wadi El Naim Village

Supports the improvement and development of the educational and health services in the Wadi El Naim village.

Awareness for You

Empowerment activities for women that will enable them to integrate into positions of influence in the Triangle region.

Ayam – Recognition and Dialogue

Advances co-existence and initiates public discourse through exposure and documentation of the history and memory of disadvantaged populations in the Jewish-Arab city of Jaffa.

El-Hawashle for Education and Welfare

Educational activities for Bedouin children through the establishment of kindergarten and health programs for Bedouin women in the Negev region.

Follow-Up Committee for Arab Education

The main body representing the Arab public vis-à-vis the education system, advancing equitable allocation of educational resources to Arab schools and greater autonomy in education for the Arab sector.

Forum of Directors of Social Welfare Departments Serving The Arab Population

Advocacy efforts and consciousness-raising activities directed at professionals, to ensure equal allocations to Arab citizens inthe area of social welfare.

I’lam: Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel

Advocacy efforts to ensure Arab citizens’ participation in and utilization of the mass media as a tool to promote social equality.


Advocates for policies to make Jerusalem a more viable and equitable city, while generating and promoting a more politically sustainable future.

Kefa For Social Change In The Negev

Brings Rahat (and Bedouin society in general) services on an equal footing by advocacy vis-à-vis the municipality and government agencies, and a philanthropic branch that helps residents with food and clothing.

Lagiya: Association for the Improvement of the Status of Women

Educational and training programs that promote the status of Bedouin women in Lagiya and surrounding villages.

Ma’an – The Forum for Bedouin Women’s Organizations

Programs in the Negev advancing Bedouin women’s leadership and status, and develops cooperation among local organizations of Bedouin women.


Policy analysis and advocacy efforts to ensure equality in government budgets and policies for Arab citizens of Israel, and Jewish-Arab activities to combat racism among the Israeli public.

Negev Coexistence Forum

Cultural, educational and social activities that promote cooperation between Jews and Bedouin in the Negev, with special emphasis on the problems of unrecognized Bedouin villages.

Qadaya al Shabiba (Association to Support Arab Minors)

Consciousness-raising and advocacy activities aimed at equalizing the rights of Arab youth to those of Jewish youth.

Regional Council for Unrecognized Negev Arab Villages: Al-Auna

Planning, advocacy and community organizing promoting an equitable solution to land issues in the Negev.

Talea’ Al-Mostkabal

Advances the status of Arab women and disadvantaged youth in the city of Lod by empowering parent committees and provide tutoring services to students.

The Arab Center for Law and Policy

Develops viable alternatives to existing exclusionary law and policy while taking into consideration the community’s distinct identity and culture.

Women Against Violence – Nazareth

Supports the first battered women’s shelter and hotline run by and for Arab women as well as public education and advocacy campaigns opposing violence against women.

Women and Horizons – Nis’a V’afak

Promotes the status and rights of Arab women through tradition and liberated interpretations of Islamic religious practice.

Working Group for Equality in Personal Status Issues (through Women Against Violence)

A coalition of organizations pursuing public education and advocacy efforts to improve the legal status of Arab women with regard to issuesof personal status (marriage and divorce).


Citizens for the Environment in the Galilee

Programs to raise public awareness and promote community activism to protect the environment in the Galilee.

Green Environment Fund

NIF’s partnership with the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Samuel Sebba Trust and an anonymous foundation, aims to protect and preserve Israel’s environment, promote environmental justice and strengthen the country’s environmental movement.

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